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06 Jan '14

Thrive, not Survive

Posted by Annie Messing

I was texting with my friend Ruth* the other night...she lovingly reminded me that instead of just trying to survive the year ahead, I should seek to thrive! 

My family life is going to go through a big change this year. In the coming months, it will be time to uproot our life in New Mexico and move (my husband is in the military). Even though we are used to this kind of lifestyle, there's never an easy way out of saying goodbye to the familiar and plunking the five of us down in a new place! My instinct is to just brace through it...but I'm really going to try my hardest and follow Ruth's advice to thrive through it.

Many of Brimful's customers are new mothers or mothers-to-be. Raising little ones can feel a bit like a game of survival as well, can't it?

In this new year, I encourage you to find one moment each day to thrive with your baby. Take 5 minutes to read a book, play peek-a-boo, or stack blocks. That one-on-one attention will remind baby that you're not too busy for him/her...and I'm pretty sure it will work as a momentary elixir when teething, fever, tantrums, and nap-striking is getting the best of you. 



*Ruth has created a beautiful print, exclusive to Brimful, that will be added to the shop later this month. We are so grateful for the chance to collaborate with her!
15 Dec '13

Reflections on Owning a Small Business, Part 1

Posted by Annie Messing in Behind the Scenes
me and brimful


Many mornings, after dropping my older two off at school, I sip my second cup of coffee and get to work on answering emails and reading various online articles. More often than not, as I type away on my laptop, my 22-month old is trying to crawl over it. Mid-email to a vendor in Poland, I may have to take a break and play with some block. Or while trying to edit a photo for Instagram, I'm also changing a diaper. 

This crazy thing called "owning your own small business"...it's not glamorous, but it IS fun. Kari and I often discuss how even though we juggle motherhood while running Brimful, the experience has (thus far) been very affirming. Creating a business/brand from nothing and watching it grow - there are actually many parallels with motherhood! We have exciting days where really cool things happen...then days when sales are slow or vendors can't come through in the way we hoped. 

But it's all good. The learning experience and the challenges we've faced and overcome have taught us the power of teamwork, the power of trusting our gut, and the power of delegation! 

For fun, I created the graphic above to show you'll the half of Brimful that are my responsibilities. This is what I spend my days doing...while also folding underwear, overseeing homework, and figuring out what's for dinner. Kari will do her own responsibility graphic sometime...I think her half is even crazier than mine!

During this season of gifting and shopping and being thankful, I just want to express my gratitude for your support of our small business. Each purchase is an affirmation of a dream come true.

I hope your little ones love the gifts you've chosen for them from Brimful. We'd love to see and feature photos of them with their new toys! 



14 Dec '13

Brimful Gift Guide - The Active Toddler

Posted by Kari Spikkeland in Gift Guides

What's sweeter than spending time thinking over a toy, then watching your child enjoy it just the way you hoped he/she would?

As I prepared this little gift list for the 12-24 month crowd I felt giddy! I love the toddler stage. As the world unfolds around them, each day holds new discoveries and experiences . And they have sooo much energy and curiosity!

Toddlers treat every day like a fresh new adventure and they want to enjoy every hour (except nap time, of course). This list is filled with gift items for fun play while encouraging thinking, motor skills, and exploration.

Best of all, your little one will go back to these toys over and over again. (My 7 year old still races around on our indoor trike, see #8)

xoxo, Kari


1. Wooden Fishing Set - combine with a laundry basket for the perfect sailing experience!
2. Bedtime for Tad - a wonderful story about a little rabbit who wonders what he will do when he falls asleep.
3. Wooden Maracas - introduce rhythm and music with these percussion pieces. 
4. Felt Campfire Play Set* - Annie's children have spent hours play camping with this set! 
5. Simeon Bear - he's part teddy bear, part pillow and oh-so-soft to cuddle at bedtime. 
6. Dust Pan and Brush - nurture a love to be tidy with this child-sized dust pan set.
7. Push Lawnmower - a beautiful pretend toy for littles ones who like to "mow" or "vacuum". 
8. Wooden Blue Trike - Use indoors to keep active toddlers from getting bored...and it's easy on the eyes too. 
9. Stacking Cubes Blocks - 27 colorful square blocks to build, pretend and imagine with. 
10. Tractor Trailer Set - finally a tractor that can be left out in the sandbox without worry (plastic = no rust). 


*A lesser quality campfire set was recently released by a well-known chain toy store. It's an unfortunate copy and sad that the artist didn't get credit for her original work. 


14 Dec '13

Brimful Gift Guide - Baby's First Christmas

Posted by Annie Messing in Gift Guides

If you received our newsletter earlier this week, you know we mentioned posting a few gift guides for babies! Today's guide is themed for a baby girl, 0 - 12 months old.

Let's face it, babies do not need a lot to be happy. As long as they have milk, ample sleep, and a loved one to keep them company, they are pretty much content! We can't sell you a good night's sleep (oh wouldn't that be lovely!), but we can suggest a few gifts for baby's first Christmas that will add an extra special sparkle. (Images as linked)


1. Wool Neck Warmer - add a little flair and extra warmth to any winter outfit.
2. Milestone Baby Cards - an easy way to commemorate baby's firsts.
3. Flowers by Matthew Porter - baby will enjoy the black and white patterns of this beautiful board book. 
4. Pearl Teething Ring - the little bell has such a sweet tinkling sound!
5. Baby Play Silks - So fun to play peek-a-boo with. 
6. Baby Feeding Spoons - a colorful way to feed baby her first soft foods.
7. Tobbles Neo Stacker - if you're going to go the plastic toy route, this is the one to choose!
8. Silver Leather Moccasins - no gender specific design means these shoes will go with everything.
9. Raven Doll - give baby her first doll, handmade and super soft. 


13 Nov '13

Q & A with Brimful

Posted by Annie Messing in Behind the Scenes

The last few weeks of running the shop have been pretty exciting for me and Kari: new products were added, Design Mom hosted a Brimful giveaway, and many trips to the post office to send off orders. As we anticipate a busy six weeks ahead, we just want to thank you again for all the support you've shown Brimful in its first few months. We know you have many places to shop for baby toys, so it's pretty special that you chose our little shop!

As Brimful gains a larger audience and more web attention, we've also received more inquires about our products and where we source them from. One particular question struck me as one that would be relevant to share here on the blog. 

A customer recently wrote us asking if we carry any products made in China. 

"Many wonderful things are manufactured there, but I try to limit my purchases." she wrote. 

Here is Kari's response:

Thanks for your inquiry into our products sources. I'm happy to share that information with you. 
We currently only carry 4 products (links below) that are produced, in small batches, in China. 
I can assure you we would not have carried them had the quality not been exceptional. 

Mojo Monkey | Moogly Lion | Snorfy Giraffe | Soft Puzzle Blocks

Finding fun toys for little ones is easy.
Finding fun toys that are well-made is also relatively easy. 
Finding fun toys that are well-made and truly unique is not so easy.

Kari and I spend a lot of time researching products for Brimful. We purposely avoid any brand that has already saturated the market. That means if a product can easily be found at the many lovely independent toy shops across this country, it most likely does not make the cut for Brimful. I cannot tell you how many times we wanted to carry something and had to say no because we really wanted to offer you products that were from lesser-known brands, owned by small business owners like ourselves. 

The other aspect of how we choose our products is how well made it is. Just because a toy is made out of wood doesn't mean it's high quality! A few weeks before Brimful launched, Kari and I sent back an entire shipment of stackers because the quality was abysmal. Yes, they were wooden, and cute, and very popular, but we knew they would not hold up after a few months of play. The paint would flake, the wood would chip...and you guessed it, they were mass-produced in China. That being said though, there are toys that are made in small batches in Asia, that are of good caliber. The stitching is strong, the fabric is above standard, and the product will hold up after years of loving upon. Those are the kinds of toys we love and whether they are made here in the US or overseas, we want that kind of quality at Brimful. 

We have so much fun finding new things and dreaming about what you might fall in love with for your little ones. Remember that we are mothers of little children too! So if you have a question about how suitable a product might be or how it will wear over time, please ask us. We are here for you. 
