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16 Mar '16

Six Spring Greens for Baby!

Posted by Annie Messing
Nothing says SPRING like the fresh cheerful shade of grass green! Kari and I both personally LOVE this color...perhaps it's a happy side effect of our obsession with kale (wink).
Enjoy a few of our favorite spring greens for little ones in the links below! And in celebration of St. Patrick's Day, enjoy this free printable from the makers of Milestone Baby Cards.
1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6
22 Feb '16

Eight Bunny-Themed Baby Gifts

Posted by Annie Messing

Spring doesn't officially start for another month, but it's obvious that this most colorful and fragrant season is already in the air. The hyacinth + tulips keep calling to me at the grocery store and my daffodils already have 4 inch leaves sticking out of the soil in the backyard.

Spring babies and bunny-inspired products go hand and hand, don't you agree? I myself had two spring babies and fondly remember cozy bunny patterned sleepers, tiny bunny slippers, and rabbit eared hoodies calling out to me whenever I went shopping. If only I had these eight adorable bunny-themed gifts to choose from back then!

1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8

29 Jan '16

Three Picture Books for Little Kids

Posted by Annie Messing

When my four children are older and think back to the winter months of their childhood, I hope they will remember what great times we had snuggling up on the couch and reading books together. Over the years, I've found that I have a great passion for picture books - especially ones with intricate illustrations that can be looked at again and again.

I find that I search for picture books online more than anything else! Of course, buying them all wouldn't be very wise, so I'm grateful for the local library and the extensive network of other libraries in our city. Almost weekly, I place a hold for new picture books I've read about on blogs and then we excitedly pick them up a few days later. It's really a fun routine!

Here are three picture books we've been enjoying. All have a whimsical storyline that is relatable for toddlers and older kids. And most importantly - the pages of pictures are top notch, creative beyond belief! Enjoy.

Where is the Cake? by T.T. Khing is a picture book without words, following a group of animals as they adventure through woods, mountains, and waterways. Along the way, a cake gets stolen, and the reader must look for clues as to who took it.

The Bear's Song by Benjamin Chaud was such a hit in our house, we've renewed it three times from the library! The book is quite large, so the pictures of Papa Bear and his cub are easy to see. There's all sorts of details that are missed the first time around that makes the book a good one to reread again and again (as children love to do, of course!).

Mr. Postmouse's Rounds by author and illustrator Marianne Dubuc is the story of a postmouse, following him as he makes his daily mail deliveries. Each page is a new location with homes up in trees, underground, and even in the water! We liked Dubuc's creative style so much, we went and borrowed all her other available books at the library too! This is one that would make a delightful gift to a younger child, sure to be enjoyed for a very long time.


10 Dec '15

Christmas Traditions

Posted by Kari Spikkeland

Traditions play an intricate role in our homes. I like to think that traditions are like golden threads, woven into a family's history. With the holiday season begun, you've probably already delved into the special traditions your family keeps. As you take part in another year of those special rituals, all the cozy memories of doing it in years past come to mind, don't they? Traditions are what tie us to our past and connect us to the future!

I thought it would be fun to share with you some of my family's fondest holiday traditions. And let's be honest, some years it's all we can do to slap a tree up and see to it that gifts are under the tree before little ones awake - if you open gifts on the 25th that is (wink). If that is you this year, read on and be inspired for next year!

- Operation Christmas Child. The children put a lot of thought into the gifts they buy and enjoy tracking the boxes to their destination. 

- Advent wreath and candle lighting. Each Sunday leading up to Christmas and every weekday dinner between, we light a candle(s) and sing a special verse in Norwegian that builds the anticipation of Jesus' coming. The kids love singing the same verse 6 days in a row before moving on to the next! 

- Gingerbread baking party. What started out as a baking and decorating party with friends morphed into a decorating party with a holiday ornament craft. It's a special time to gather friends and enjoy Christmas cheer together. 

-Baking Norwegian Christmas cookies. There must be 7 different kinds on the 24th, so the saying goes. My favorite are krumkaker and berlinerkranser. For the record I never make it to 7 different kinds... more like 3.

- Opening gifts on the 24th. My husband grew up in the eastern part of Norway so we serve Ribbe (a type of glorified bacon) for dinner on the 24th with all the other necessary side dishes! After dinner we enjoy our Christmas cookies and cakes with coffee while we open presents! 

I hope you have a meaningful Christmas this year, full of treasured memories.


24 Nov '15

Brimful's 2015 Christmas Gift Guides

Posted by Annie Messing in Gift Guides

For this year's Brimful three gift guides, I've chosen just six gifts per list. Children really don't need a lot of gifts to make Christmas feel special. A few well thought out, open-ended toys, books, and games will provide hours of fun. I've found that fewer gifts also minimizes the post-Christmas blues!

Divided into three different age groups, here are my top holiday gift picks for Babies, Preschoolers, and School-Age children (ages 5-10). Many of these gifts are ones I've given to my own four children (ages 1, 3, 7, and 9). For more gift ideas, you can visit the three Christmas Gift Guides for Babies, Preschoolers, and School Age children on Pinterest. There are already over 35 gifts per board - and I'll be adding more throughout the holiday season. Enjoy.


Baby Gift Guide

1) Sapling Baby Zip Romper 2) My First Book of Animals 3) SleepyWakey Elephanado
4) Wooden Cage Rattle 5) ABC Picture Blocks 6) Dotted Teether Blankie

School Age Gift Guide

1) Lil Mib Voice Recorder 2) Kitpas Wet Erase Crayons 3) Wooden USA Puzzle
4) Schleich Horse Show Set 5) MicroMaxi Scooter 6) Kapla Colored Blocks



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